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One core belief of the D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation is that together we can make a difference. This idea held true as Young Living members united and took quick action following the devastating flooding in Louisiana in August.


Within days, destruction and loss became the reality of the affected communities. According to the National Weather Service, the amount of precipitation that dropped in parts of Louisiana happens once every 1,000 years.


Young Living member Jessica Cotton, who lives in Denham Springs, Louisiana—one of the hardest hit areas—said, “We really didn’t have any warning. When I woke up Saturday, I thought we were in the clear. In an hour and half my house went from drained to about 5 feet of water. Then the water rose another 2 feet in 20 minutes.”


During the flooding, Young Living leaders and members, with the help of the Foundation, identified members in need, rallied together, and assembled care packages. Over 800 care packages were delivered and included a diffuser, NingXia® Red, Thieves® cleaning products to clean flooded and gutted homes, and disaster relief items. Additionally, over 2 tons of Gary’s True Grit Einkorn Flour was delivered and prepared—thanks to volunteers and local bakeries.


Diamond leader Jessica Gianelloni of Madisonville, Louisiana, opened her house as a hub for the Foundation during disaster relief efforts. “You could tell that the care packages meant more to them than just the products they received,” Jessica said. “Their world just crumbled and we showed up to say, ‘We are here for you.’”


“Never in a million years did we expect the amazing gifts that were delivered to us,” Young Living members Winona and Gary Smith wrote in a letter to the Foundation. “We so appreciate this wonderful surprise. While this is a stressful time for us, it is people like you who keep us encouraged and on track.”


Through coming together, Young Living members and the Foundation were able to make a difference in Louisiana. If you want to get involved with the Foundation, head over to and find the best way for you to give back!

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